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Azure Active Directory lab


Generating an Azure AD lab using

This generates terraform formatted HCL files for If applications and groups are created, the and will also be created.

Important Note

This generator lives in the generators/azure_ad directory. Navigate into this directory first.

cd generators/azure_ad

Usage Examples

Example 1: Basic Azure AD lab

Generate a basic Azure AD lab.

python3 --upn

Description: This will generate an Azure AD range with a UPN suffix of with 100 users. It will output three files. The Azure AD password for all users will be automatically generated and output after terraform apply.

  • azure_users.csv: A csv including the Azure AD user's full name, username, and email address.
  • azure_usernames.txt: A file including just the usernames.
  • azure_emails.txt: A file including just the email addresses.
  • Terraform file that will build the users.

Example 2: Azure AD lab with 1,000 users

Generate an Azure AD lab with 1,000 users.

python3 --upn --count 1000

Description: Same as above, except generate 1,000 users in Azure AD. Running terraform apply will generate a random password shared by all users. The password applied to all users will be displayed at the end of terraform apply. To display the passwor again, run terraform output.

Example 3: Azure applications and groups

Generate a lab with Azure applications and groups.

python3 --upn --count 500 --apps 3 --groups 5

Description: Same as above, except generate 500 users in Azure AD. Create 3 Azure applications and 5 groups. Automatically put the 500 users into separate groups.

  • A terraform file with the Azure applications.
  • A terraform file with the Azure groups.

Example 4: Service Principal abuse attack primitives

Generate a lab for Service Principal abuse attack primitives.

python3 -c 25 --upn --apps 7 -aa -ga -pra

Description: This will generate an Azure AD range with a UPN suffix of with 25 users. It will add some service principal abuse attack primitives to some random resources. First, the --apps 7 will add 7 Azure AD applications (App Registrations) with associated Service Principals (Enterprise Applications). The -aa flag will assign an Application Administrator role randomly to one of the 25 Azure AD users. The -ga flag will assign the Global Administrator role randomly to one of the 7 application SPs. Finally, the -pra flag will assign the Privileged role administrator role randomly to one of the other 7 application SPs.


A video demonstration of Azure AD with options and illustrations.

Azure AD Demo